escalation|escalations in English


[es·ca·la·tion || ‚eskə'leɪʃn]

increase, intensificatio

Use "escalation|escalations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "escalation|escalations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "escalation|escalations", or refer to the context using the word "escalation|escalations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Silent assassin walkthrough of the seeger Beguilement escalation covering level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5Hitman - Level 5 of All Escalations:

2. A client receives an escalation request associated with a first roster and responds to the escalation request.

3. This escalation in arms automatically means an escalation in fatalities and casualties, whether by crime or by accident.

4. A fix price contract with escalation.

5. The threat of nuclear escalation remains.

6. Call Barging is very functional for de-escalation

7. Escalation has conceptual affinities with bargaining theory.

8. Escalation of Anti-Abortion Conflict and Violence

9. Higher wages caused an escalation of prices.

10. This is a fix - price contract with escalation.

11. Usually this is the result of confrontational escalation.

12. A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable.

13. But escalation is not usually associated with adult sexuality.

14. htm:escalation(escalationname).receivers% is bound to the escalation receivers of the escalation with the specified name in the scope of the current task instance.

15. Because of the hierarchical escalation function no alarm will get lost.

16. In other words there is a grave risk of escalation.

17. None can afford an escalation of subsidies on agriculture exports.

18. The risks of an escalation to nuclear war were small.

19. Suzy: And Kashmir is Islamic, right? So how did this escalation happen?

20. It's difficult to explain the recent escalation in/of violent crime.

21. In systems theory, the process of conflict escalation is modeled by positive feedback.

22. 9. (a) What resulted from the escalation of violence in Noah’s day?

23. The escalation of your complaint will be acknowledged within five business days.

24. Bush denounced what he called Russia's dramatic and brutal escalation of violence.

25. Such reports in a popular newspaper endorse a general belief in escalation.